
Suggestions For Use

A study from investigators at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) finds that elicitation of the relaxation response — a physiologic state of deep rest induced by practices such as meditation, hypnosis, yoga, deep breathing and prayer — produces immediate changes in the expression of genes involved in immune function, energy metabolism and insulin secretion.

As slower brain waves take over (also known as being in a delta or theta state), the brain increases its own plasticity, or ability to reorganise itself. To enter this rarified state, one must leave behind any preconceived notions and return to their child mind. Recall your child self and the ease with which you used your creative imagination. Remember how you joyously interacted with everything you encountered. My experience personally and with clients is that somewhere along the way we were trained to “grow up”. This meant for many that we stopped being “silly” and shut down our creative imaginings. This usually resulted in our continuing to create, just not in a positive ways. Most of us continued to create exactly what we did not desire, as we were driven by “adult” fears and anxieties. It is this very creative imagination that is your superpower. Even if this creative imagination has been atrophied from misuse, committed practice will allow you to once again create the life that you really want.

Pro tip – fake it until you make it. Pretend and go along with the imaginings/ visualisations even if they feel silly at first.


To maximise your experience, make sure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed for the duration of trance. Headphones are recommended to receive the full benefits of the binaural beats embedded on the hypnosis recordings. Create the most comfortable environment possible to allow your nervous system to calibrate. Consider lowering the lighting, and using an eye pillow to activate the ocular reflex.

Read below what one of my teachers, Bo Forbes has to say about the power of eye pillows.

Eye pillow…
Let’s get into the science for a moment. Your vagus nerve is one of twelve cranial nerves. It originates in the brain (in the medulla), travels down the back of the neck and into the chest, and then moves into the abdomen and digestive tract. (Vagus literally means “wandering”.) The vagus nerve is responsible for heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis (digestion), and sweating, among other tasks. It is the primary communicator to our rest-and-digest (parasympathetic) system, which helps us to relax more deeply.  This is also our tend-and-befriend system, which enables us to reach out and connect with others- an important factor in long-term stress resilience.
You also have a reflex called the oculocardiac reflex. When light pressure is placed on the eyeballs (and, it is thought, the brow bone), it lowers heart rate–sometimes by a considerable amount. There’s a fine line here between therapeutic stimulation and overstimulation, so gentle pressure is best.
What does all this have to do with relaxation—or emotional well-being, for that matter? If light pressure on the eyeballs stimulates the vagus nerve and oculocardiac reflex, this pressure also facilitates our relaxation response.
This means that eye pillows are a highly effective tool to retrain our nervous system. They dial it down a notch from what may be a continual state of overdrive.
An eye pillow is a perfect example of how a subtle intervention can have a powerful effect on our physical and emotional well-being.  It helps to reduce stress, lift depression, balance anxiety, help regulate chronic pain, stimulate digestive equilibrium, reduce tension in muscles and connective tissue, and more.
Bo Forbes



The legal part:

Do not listen to hypnosis recordings whilst driving or operating machinery.
These recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis.